Where is YAML::Syck's maling list?


I an am adept googler, but this crumb of data eludes me. (Naive attempts
rapidly get snared in Perl groups, for example…)

I have innard-looking questions about YAML via its Syck vehicle, and I
find the best newsgroup to ask them on. Not that this one isn’t best; it
just isn’t narrow.

When I hit http://rubyforge.org/projects/syck/ , it has a List clicker
that’s empty.

What gives with this Syck list shtick??

On 12/15/06, Phlip [email protected] wrote:

that’s empty.

What gives with this Syck list shtick??

Redirecting... ← NOT a blog!!!


I’ve read http://wiki.rubygarden.org/Ruby/page/show/YamlInRuby which
leads you to http://whytheluckystiff.net/syck/, and I conclude that
your best bets are the list we’re currently on, or contacting _why
directly at the address on his home page

I feel like I should disclaim that any similarity between your reality
and that of _why is either coincidental or a prank; I can’t say on


Alex LeDonne wrote:

I’ve read http://wiki.rubygarden.org/Ruby/page/show/YamlInRuby which
leads you to http://whytheluckystiff.net/syck/, and I conclude that
your best bets are the list we’re currently on, or contacting _why
directly at the address on his home page

My questions are so syck this group would never answer them.

I will try again here when I can remember what the question was.

I feel like I should disclaim that any similarity between your reality
and that of _why is either coincidental or a prank; I can’t say on

Absolutely. People who blog about programming under a flippant pen-name,
as excuse to foist their comics off on the world, should be lined up and
smacked with a fish in the 5 to 10 pound range.


On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 12:35:07PM +0900, Phlip wrote:

I have innard-looking questions about YAML via its Syck vehicle, and I can’t
find the best newsgroup to ask them on. Not that this one isn’t best; it
just isn’t narrow.

The yaml-core list is a pretty good place to talk about Syck in the
open. If
you’d feel more comfortable, just reply to this.
