I am learning Ruby on Rails and feeling prepared to become a developer.
I want to make some websites to show something to my employers. Where i
could find some team members, or a non-profit project, where i could
make a website and show to others? Any website with that kind of
free-freelance projects?
I am studying programming after work and weekends for about 1000 hrs,
and i can’t get my first junior web-developer job anywhere in Europe
without a portfolio. I have no IT degree and no IT-job experience. What
i did so far is watched about 200 hrs videos, readed some books:
Agile Web D. with Rails 4 (480 pages)
Developing Backbone.js Applications, Early Release(150 pages)
HTML5 Canvas, 2nd Edition (749 pages)
Canvas Pocket Reference (110 pages)
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design (reading),
made some basic game for my own:
GitHub - mansimas/zaidimas - my game code, mostly
backbone/coffeescript at app/assets/javascripts.
http://gamegame.herokuapp.com/ - my online game.
Also, language skills: Lithuanian(mother tongue), english(good),
german(good), norwegian(good).
And i’m stuck - i don’t even have an idea what to do - i need a project,
which i could make during nights after work, i need more than that
simple trial game, which is not what the employers need - they need to
see fully functioning finished website with professionally written code.
And i want to show them fully functioning finished websites with
professionally written my own code. I just need projects, which i will
make free.
Any ideas how to become that projects?