Where to put videos? Heroku?

I am attempting to port a Rails 2.3.8 application to 3.1.2

In my 2.3.8 app I am able to play videos … no problem.

In 3.1.2, I am not.

I have read
File: README — Documentation for jw_player_helper (0.0.1) and
the documentation there says,
":file => “relative path to file (for example: /video/pf2011.flv)”.

But relative to what? in 2.3.8 it was relative to public. I have tried
placing it relative public and app/asset. Neither seems to work.

The generated html is

Is there a sample Rails 3.1 app that uses jw_player_helper?

Part of what I am trying to do is get the app ready to be hosted by
Heroku. I have about a gigabyte of videos and I remember reading that
that much stuff should be “provisioned”, whatever that means. How will
I change the name supplied to video_player (the method name in

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 7:43 AM, Ralph S. [email protected]

Part of what I am trying to do is get the app ready to be hosted by
Heroku. I have about a gigabyte of videos and I remember reading that
that much stuff should be “provisioned”, whatever that means.

Yeah, I don’t think you can even deploy that large an app (with those
videos embedded) to heroku.

Move them to an external service like Amazon S3. It may take a little
work up front, but in return

  1. You’ll be able to use heroku
  2. On any platform, deployment will be much faster
  3. You’ll probably find performance improves (my experience w/
    moving some large product images to S3)


Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]

twitter: @hassan


Monday, December 26, 2011, 10:11:39 AM, you wrote:

HS> On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 7:43 AM, Ralph S.
[email protected] wrote:

Part of what I am trying to do is get the app ready to be hosted by
Heroku. I have about a gigabyte of videos and I remember reading that
that much stuff should be “provisioned”, whatever that means.

HS> Yeah, I don’t think you can even deploy that large an app (with
HS> videos embedded) to heroku.

HS> Move them to an external service like Amazon S3. It may take a
HS> work up front, but in return

HS> 1) You’ll be able to use heroku
HS> 2) On any platform, deployment will be much faster
HS> 3) You’ll probably find performance improves (my experience w/
HS> moving some large product images to S3)

Yeah … but how do I get the video player to point to it?

And, what, for instance, would I be pointing to?

Any overview of S3 provisioning that you might recommend?

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Ralph S. [email protected]

Yeah … but how do I get the video player to point to it?

Dunno; presumably the video player also supports passing a URL
as the video source. If not, that would be bad. But unlikely, I’d think

And, what, for instance, would I be pointing to?

Once you’ve uploaded your video files, you’ll have a conventional
URL for each one, e.g.


Any overview of S3 provisioning that you might recommend?

Just start here: Cloud Object Storage – Amazon S3 – Amazon Web Services

And for easy management of your media files from the command line:

It sounds more complicated than it is. Trust me :slight_smile:

Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]

twitter: @hassan