Whether Merb 1.0 offers an alternative to Ruby on Rails


hi i got this link from my friend in new-jersey.whether merb is an
alternative for rails

People just don’t seem to get it:

Merb = Mongrel + erb
Rails = lot’s of stuff

Obviously Merb is easier to setup and will have better performance. Is
that enough for you? Then go for it.

If not, Rails offers much more stuff to work with, and therefore there
is a slight cost to it.

Merb is not an alternative to Rails, it serves a different purpose: do
benchmarks against Rails and masturbate on the results as if it was the
only thing that counted on the planet. Well that’s basically the only
material I have found about Merb.

I’d like to see some Merb apps that truely compete against their Rails
equivalent. Who has written a forum or blog in Merb?

Best regards,


On Oct 20, 2008, at 3:00 AM, Lost W. wrote:


hi i got this link from my friend in new-jersey.whether merb is an
alternative for rails

This is a good article but doesn’t tell the whole story. If you are an
Open Source Ruby Ninja, then Merb will be a slam dunk for you. If you
rely on Google to answer your questions about “how do I create a form
tag in this dern thing”, then you might find the community’s posts are
not as helpful as the wealth of info you can get on Rails.

If you are in the category of developer who worries about scaling and
thread-blocking mutexes and all the stuff Merb and DataMapper worked
on in response to the “Rails is slow” whining, then you’ll understand
and appreciate Merb. If you’re looking to get something built quickly,
then you might be better off sticking with Rails – especially if you
like grabbing prebuilt functionality in the form of plugins.

If you’re not sure, then by all means, find a tutorial that is
somewhere close to the current RC of Merb, install it, and watch in
amazement as yet another Ruby Web framework comes to life before your
very eyes. You might start here:

http://merb.4ninjas.org/ (close, but not quite current)

Good luck!

On Oct 22, 5:20 pm, “s.ross” [email protected] wrote:

Open Source Ruby Ninja, then Merb will be a slam dunk for you. If you

If you’re not sure, then by all means, find a tutorial that is
somewhere close to the current RC of Merb, install it, and watch in
amazement as yet another Ruby Web framework comes to life before your
very eyes. You might start here:

http://merb.4ninjas.org/(close, but not quite current)

Good luck!

is a talk on merb and its philosophy with respect to rails, followed
by talk on rubinius.
Damn cool.

Daniel B.