Who maintains ruby-talk?

Among other things, the ruby-talk MLM is rampant with security
vulnerabilities, and in need of moderation.

Is there actually a person in charge of ruby-talk?

Tony A. wrote:

Among other things, the ruby-talk MLM is rampant with security
vulnerabilities, and in need of moderation.

Is there actually a person in charge of ruby-talk?

There are admin contact addresses here:

(While you’re at it, you could ask for the broken link at the bottom of
which is supposed to point to “the manual way” to be fixed)

2010/4/14 Tony A. [email protected]:

Among other things, the ruby-talk MLM is rampant with security
vulnerabilities, and in need of moderation.

Did you just suggest that ruby-talk should become a moderated list?

Kind regards


Just last week I was having problems managing my subscription via the
list controller. When I tried the “manual way”
I couldn’t get the bot to respond either. As a last resort I emailed
the human administrator address ([email protected]) and
got a response from Matz himself.

Perhaps that’s the problem. The list is being maintained by a person
who most assuredly doesn’t have time for it because he has much more
important things to do!


Michael J.


Maybe this mailing list might be better suited in a forum.

2010/4/14 Rich McGrath [email protected]:

Maybe this mailing list might be better suited in a forum.

Well, a mailing list is a forum as well. :slight_smile:

Also, please note this:




On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 6:21 AM, Robert K.
[email protected]wrote:

Did you just suggest that ruby-talk should become a moderated list?

Yes, given the recent high volume of off-topic posts, I think it’s clear
list is in need of a moderator, at the very least someone who can
users who make high volumes of off-topic posts.

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Tony A.
[email protected]wrote:

Tony A.
Medioh! A Kudelski Brand

You know, the Nazis had moderators, but they made the Jews wear them.

Sorry, Office Space :slight_smile:

Unless things got completely unusable, I’d much prefer if there wasn’t
someone with the power to kick people off the list whenever the whim
them. Between spam filters and community policing, I think this list is

Tony A. wrote:

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 6:21 AM, Robert K.
[email protected]wrote:

Did you just suggest that ruby-talk should become a moderated list?

Yes, given the recent high volume of off-topic posts, I think it’s clear
list is in need of a moderator, at the very least someone who can
users who make high volumes of off-topic posts.

I need to disagree with you here. This idea makes the hair on my neck
stand on end.

A long time ago, (15.04.10), in a galaxy far, far away, Josh C.

:=Unless things got completely unusable, I’d much prefer if there wasn’t
:=someone with the power to kick people off the list whenever the whim
:=them. Between spam filters and community policing, I think this list

It’s gotten to an unusable space for me. I regularly delete all
after scanning the subjects without reading them. Up until
approximately a
month ago I would actually read the majority of the posts to see what is
posted as well as learn from example code posted by others. But given
recent spate of off-topic garbage the list has pretty much become

I’m hopeful that something will change and the spammers/off-topic posts
go elsewhere, but would very much appreciate being able to have someone
in to stop the madness.

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Josh C. [email protected]

Unless things got completely unusable, I’d much prefer if there wasn’t
someone with the power to kick people off the list

For what it’s worth, I’ve considered unsubscribing due to the high
volume of
off-topic email.

You should be died, Michael J. died long time ago.

Given Mahlangeni
Technical Support Specialist
HQP - Information Management

Tel: +27 12 307 3230
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On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Dylan N. [email protected] wrote:

in to stop the madness.

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Tony A.
[email protected]wrote:

For what it’s worth, I’ve considered unsubscribing due to the high volume
off-topic email.

Perhaps I’ve missed something, I thought this was a reaction to Thunk,
he only posts in a few threads.

I notice you both have email addresses from hosts I’m not familiar with,
perhaps they don’t group posts into threads, so you get hit with about
times as many messages as I do. That would be frustrating.

I still don’t personally support moderation, but if most of the list
then we should see what options we have.

While the thunk phase’s been pretty annoying it looks like now it’s
over. I suggest to wait a month or so and see if things get better: if
not, then I’m all into taking actions against spam and OT.

My 2c,

Andrea D.

On 2010-04-14, Josh C. [email protected] wrote:

Unless things got completely unusable, I’d much prefer if there wasn’t
someone with the power to kick people off the list whenever the whim struck
them. Between spam filters and community policing, I think this list is

Remember to distinguish between “power” and “authority”.

Right now, someone, somewhere, has the power to kick people off the
The list runs somewhere; someone has the keys to that computer, and can
modify anything on it.

Realistically, you can either have some kind of moderation, or offer a
spam reflector service complete with malware delivery. I’d recommend
the former.


On 2010-04-14, Josh C. [email protected] wrote:

I notice you both have email addresses from hosts I’m not familiar with,
perhaps they don’t group posts into threads, so you get hit with about ten
times as many messages as I do. That would be frustrating.

Hosts are not what group posts into threads. Mail clients are.

Ignoring the bandwidth cost because you don’t see it is not totally


On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:27 PM, jonty [email protected] wrote:

I feel that you are unfair here, it might come as a surprise to some
but I am actually with Tony here. Kind of self protection, because in
a free list it is me who has to decide if someone is a troll, in
distress or not. Sometimes I also decide to make a joke because I
feel the list is just boring. If it were moderated I would not need to
make those decisions, in the first place and I would not see gross
language anymore neither.
Ok I agree that we will lose something, but maybe this something
should be elsewhere.
As a poster and quite nonconformist I will always step on some folk’s
toe. If there were a moderator I probably could not.
But I am very much interested in arguments here, maybe I idealize what
I do not really know: A moderated list.

I have just rescanned my ruby-talk inbox folder - I can’t see any’off
topic’ threads,

what do you mean by off-topic?

There is a wide variety of discussions, many of which I feel free to
ignore but because there is no further filtering I often find myself
drawn in to an interesting discussion that improves my programming

Are you being a little narrow minded?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Robert D. [email protected]
Oh BTW, sorry for reposting, but wouldn’t there be a possibility of
eating our cake and having it?
I was thinking about a moderated sublist generated by some humble
“moderator” who would act as a filter?


On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Seebs [email protected] wrote:

On 2010-04-14, Josh C. [email protected] wrote:

I notice you both have email addresses from hosts I’m not familiar with,
perhaps they don’t group posts into threads, so you get hit with about
times as many messages as I do. That would be frustrating.

Hosts are not what group posts into threads. Mail clients are.

Sorry, I do my email online, so used the wrong terminology. I just mean
gmail will take 50 posts about ruids, and group them all together in a
single thread, so it doesn’t spam my inbox. It also filters the threads
and sets them in their own separate area, so they never touch my inbox
all. If your client :wink: didn’t do this, I can see how the list could
your inbox. Or maybe we’re talking about something other than lots of
posts about boids and ruids in a small number of threads? If so, I think
people calling for moderation need to clarify specifically what their

Ignoring the bandwidth cost because you don’t see it is not totally


Is email bandwidth even an issue these days? I stream all of my music,
day. Pretty sure one minute of streaming music exceeds an entire month’s
worth of emails (assuming no attachments). Though it’s not an issue if
do it online, anyway, because the emails just sit on a server somewhere,
they wouldn’t affect bandwidth unless you went to view them.