February 7, 2007, 7:14pm
I think I almost got it. But other than see the default welcome page in
the public folder I cannot see other pages that I created using
When I type the application name that I created using “rails” command,
it only displays the directories under it.
I am using webrick. I guess it comes with rails.
I have seen people saying using mongrel. Which one is better in terms of
working with apache?
I am still not very clear about how it actually works. Any suggestion of
any books, tutorials for beginners of those server configrations?
February 7, 2007, 8:12pm
It sounds like you are still working within a development deployment,
rather than a deployment environment.
When I type the application name that I created using “rails” command,
it only displays the directories under it.
where are you typing this name? You should be accessing your
application at http://localhost:3000
February 7, 2007, 11:50pm
I can see the pages on the server (local host). localhost works fine.
But when I am using the other computer and typed domain. I can only see
the directory list.
[email protected] wrote:
It sounds like you are still working within a development deployment,
rather than a deployment environment.
When I type the application name that I created using “rails” command,
it only displays the directories under it.
where are you typing this name? You should be accessing your
application at http://localhost:3000
February 8, 2007, 3:46pm
Webrick is useful only for development, not production. It is way too
slow. There’s a some message thread here on mongrel that you might
look at.
If you are seeing the rails welcom message, you may have a file named
index.html in your app/public directory. Rename this to something like
oldindex.html and retry.
February 8, 2007, 4:05pm
Yan wrote:
Yes, you’ll want to use Mongrel for this and usually people have
something in front of it (Apache, Nginx, Pound, Lighttpd).
I am still not very clear about how it actually works. Any suggestion of
any books, tutorials for beginners of those server configrations?
I think that there is some mention of this in the Agile Web Dev with
Rails book.
Some of our customers are working on deployment tips here:
Good luck!
Robby R.
Planet Argon is a Ruby on Rails development agency specializing in maintenance and support for existing Rails apps. Based in Portland, OR, Planet Argon has been a member of the Rails community since 2004.