I’m trying to pop up a modal dialog. In TestDialog.rb I put
class TestDialog < Gtk::Dialog
include GladeGUI
attr_reader :info
def initialize
@info = 5
@builder[“window1”].title = “Edit Grammar Rule”
@builder[“label”].text = @info.to_s
def run
puts “TestDialog run called”
puts “Back from run”
I make a TestDialog.glade file with the label, using a GtkDialog
top-level with name: window1.
When I call
rhs_editor = TestDialog.new
puts "About to call run in GR:Init"
and put a breakpoint on the “super” in the run method, and step-in in
RubyMine, it goes straight to line 53 of TreeViewColumn.rb (in the block
passed to set_cell_data_func in the “user defined object” section of
But TestDialog is inheriting straight from Gtk::Dialog. It should have
nothing to do with VR. I do use VR elsewhere in my program, but I put a
breakpoint on the call to set_cell_data_func and it’s not being called
from that class.
All I really want to do is put up a modal dialog-like window that I
define in Glade, and get an answer from it before I continue. I’ve spent
six hours on it today. Help??? Thanks!