I’ve installed the lasted engines and active_rbac from svn,and
it as the following.
1:edit the routes.rb,and add
map.connect ‘/active_rbac/registration/confirm/:user/:token’,
:controller => ‘active_rbac/registration’,
:action => ‘confirm’
2:add config.plugins params in environment/development.rb
config.plugins = [“engines”, “*”]
Then i started the server,but it couldn’t find the active_rbac’s lib。The
codes in vender/plugins/active_rbac/init_engine.rb dosen’t take effect.
the codes is this:
require ‘active_rbac/application_controller_mixin’
require the model mixins
require ‘active_rbac/exceptions’
require ‘active_rbac/group_mixin’
So i have to add the following ugly code in Applicaiton.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
helper RbacHelper
The application controller will give us the “current_user” method.
include ActiveRbacMixins::ApplicationControllerMixin
why engines not auto import the active_rbac’s lib?
If ActiveRBAC still comes as an “old-style engine”, (i.e. with
init_engine.rb rather than init.rb) then it’s likely not compatible
with the 1.2 (latest) engines plugin. This would certainly explain why
the code in init_engine.rb is not evaluated.
Did you try the activerbac code from rubyforge? Supposedly it has
been updated for 1.2
Looks like only 10 downloads so far, so it may not be very tested yet
and I think the upgrade was done by normal user as opposed to the
original author.
If you read https://lists.cloudcore.com/pipermail/rbac-dev/ you will
see that the original author has plans convert activerbac to a
non-engines based solution.
FYI: It is on my todo list to upgrade, but I have not tried it yet. I
may wait to see if the original author does before I try to decide
which way to go.
On 3/9/07, martin [email protected] wrote:
I’ve installed the lasted engines and active_rbac from svne$B!$e(Band
2:add config.plugins params in environment/development.rb
require ‘active_rbac/group_mixin’
The application controller will give us the “current_user” method.
engine-users mailing list
[email protected]
Greg F.
The Norcross Group
Forensics for the 21st Century
I checked out codes from
https://activerbac.turingstudio.com/source/,thatwas out of
data.I’ve seen the rubyforge has releaseed 0.4.1 already.
It works ok with engines 1.2 and rails 1.2.2.Thanks.
I’ve used the converted ActiveRbac mentioned - its working great for
me. The conversion itself is not hard or that complicated.