I have begun the process of taking why’s freaky freaky sandbox code
and updating the c extensions in it to compile for ruby 1.9.1.
It appears, looking through Google cache that why apparently had
started working on a 1.9.1 version of the freaky freaky sandbox.
Does anyone have this code locally by any remote chance?
If not, then my questions all revolve around how threading works in
ruby 1.9.1-p243.
Specifically, I understand that threading is different in 1.9 than it
is in 1.8.6.
Maybe I just need to rewrite the entire sand_table.c file, but what is
the 1.9.1
analog to rb_thread_t *thread;
Here is a gist of the failure I am running into:
I will push my changes back into my git repo in the near future.
I have sand_hacks.c converted over to the 1.9 way of doing things
My repo is a fork of parolkar’s.
Not to get too off topic, but I have also be considering that maybe I
should be using fibers in the 1.9.1 version of this sandbox rather
than threads.
Is this an idiotic idea in the context of creating a sandbox?
In other words, while fibers appear to be lighter weight memory wise
than threads, is there a security reason for using threads instead?
Thanks in advanced.
Andrew McElroy