I have been struggling with what wiki to continue, either Instiki, I2,
or WikiEngine. Instiki is quite quiet for the moment, and I don’t see
much progress (didnt check the svn trunk lately though). I2 is VERY
scarce in its documentation, and i know this is mainly due to the
purpose of it: only the rails site. So I end up with WikiEngine. Which
is fine, because I like the concept of engines, being reusable in
several rails application. At least, I will adapt it to my needs, and
contribute if interested. But what is the plan for the WikiEngine?
Remain ‘just’ a proof of concept? Or are there plans to extend it? Is
there much interest in it anyway?
I would bevery interested in contributing. I also think that things like
wiki or blog should be available in form of engines.
Anyone is more than welcome to check-out any of the engines and
submit patches… and of course you can create your own engines in
your own public repositories too - if the login/user/wiki engines
don’t do exactly what you want, don’t hestitate to write replacements
Hi Bart ;-),
So what I have done so far is […]
- Tried the WikiEngine as it comes from the site
Didn’t got it to work, the migration failed all the time
Same for me. I posted about it on Rails Engine Development.
- Grabbed latest i2 (version 2702)
Managed to get it up and running quite easily
Great! I did have a show stopper there. I’ll try again and ask you more
- Created an engine out of i2
This still works smoothly.
OK, so you did it by “extraction”. Excellent! wiki is pretty big, so
this is a great result.
Next steps are making it a bit more monkey proof, and give it a nicer,
more usuable layout.
When it becomes more or less stable (read: I create
a small how to and it works elsewhere), we can make it public somewhere,
and start updating the engine.
If you like, I can offer you a SVN repository right now. We could share
it at least until the “monkey proof” version is reached. In this way we
avoid duplication of effort.
In another post of mine (Rails Engines development > Namespace Issues)
you can find some ideas I would like to discuss with you: they could be
applied to niki.
Mauro: nice to see you again, on another place ;-).
So what I have done so far is (very summarized, dont have so much time
- Tried the WikiEngine as it comes from the site
Didn’t got it to work, the migration failed all the time
- Grabbed latest i2 (version 2702)
Managed to get it up and running quite easily
- Created an engine out of i2
This still works smoothly.
Next steps are making it a bit more monkey proof, and give it a nicer,
more usuable layout. When it becomes more or less stable (read: I create
a small how to and it works elsewhere), we can make it public somewhere,
and start updating the engine.
Oh, by the way, I called the wiki niki. Cute eh 