Win32-service: error 5: access denied

hello altogether!

I have written an win32 service like explained in O’Reilys “Ruby
Cookbook” on page 750.

when i try to start the service is get the following error:
Zugriff verweigert (Win32::ServiceError)
or when i try to start the service manually:
Fehler 5: Zugriff verweigert
(in english: error 5: access denied)

does anyone know how to fix this?

thnx! have a nice day!

does nobody have any information?


On 7/11/07, Michael D. [email protected] wrote:

does anyone know how to fix this?

What system do you have? XP/W2k/vista?

Is the service already registered? (Can you see it in services?)
Can you start it with net start ?
Are you admin? Uberadmin in vista?
Can you start/stop other services?

Could you post the code you are trying to start?
Could you post the actual command (what did you do when you tried to
start the service)?

What do you do in your service?
You cannot use stdin, stdout, stderr; You don’t see mapped/subst-ed
disks, You might not have rights to some files - you are most probably
running under SYSTEM user.

(Now I see this looks like a confession recipe :wink:


Hi Jano!

thnx for post!!

I use winXP, sp2.
Yeah service is registered. in “services” the status is “manual”
Yes im Admin an yes i can start other Services.

so here is my code:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘win32/service’
include Win32

SERVICE_NAME = “cProjectsOutlookEventsListener3”
SERVICE_DISPLAYNAME = “cProjectsOutlookEventsListener3”

if ARGV[0] == “register”
#startet den service
svc =
svc.create_service{ |s|
s.service_name = SERVICE_NAME
s.display_name = SERVICE_DISPLAYNAME
s.binary_path_name = 'c:\ruby\bin ’ + File.expand_path($0)
s.dependencies = []
puts "Service registriert: "+SERVICE_DISPLAYNAME

elsif ARGV[0] == “start”
puts “Service gestartet”

elsif ARGV[0] == “delete”
#stop service
if Service.status(SERVICE_NAME).current_state == “running”
puts "Service gelöscht: " + SERVICE_NAME


schreibe parameterinfo

puts “Use: ruby outlook_rubysvc.rb [option]”
puts " options:"
puts " register - Registriert und starte den Service"
puts " delete - Stoppt und löscht den Service"

hier ist der eigentliche Service-code

class Daemon
def service_init
# Wartezeit bis der Service richtig initialisiert worden ist
sleep 10

def service_main
fileCount = 0
watchForFile = “C:\findme.txt”
while state == RUNNING
sleep 5
if File.exists? watchForFile
fileCount += 1
File.rename watchForFile, watchForFile + “.” + fileCount.to_s

d =

thnx! Michael
Jano S. wrote:

On 7/11/07, Michael D. [email protected] wrote:

does anyone know how to fix this?

What system do you have? XP/W2k/vista?

Is the service already registered? (Can you see it in services?)
Can you start it with net start ?
Are you admin? Uberadmin in vista?
Can you start/stop other services?

Could you post the code you are trying to start?
Could you post the actual command (what did you do when you tried to
start the service)?

What do you do in your service?
You cannot use stdin, stdout, stderr; You don’t see mapped/subst-ed
disks, You might not have rights to some files - you are most probably
running under SYSTEM user.

(Now I see this looks like a confession recipe :wink:


On 7/12/07, Michael D. [email protected] wrote:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘win32/service’
include Win32

SERVICE_NAME = “cProjectsOutlookEventsListener3”
SERVICE_DISPLAYNAME = “cProjectsOutlookEventsListener3”

Offtopic: You can write the following as

case ARGV[0]
when “register”

when “start”



if ARGV[0] == “register”
#startet den service
svc =

hier ist der eigentliche Service-code

class Daemon
def service_init
# Wartezeit bis der Service richtig initialisiert worden ist
sleep 10

Try this: (the only possible place where it can raise “access denied”
exception is when you rename the file (I suppose you can’t do that
while it’s open). If it does not help, create a log file and store the
exception stack trace to it (i.e. enclose everything in begin /

def service_main

  • fileCount = 0
  • fileCount = 0
watchForFile = "C:\findme.txt"
while state == RUNNING
  sleep 5
  if File.exists? watchForFile
  •     fileCount += 1
  •     File.rename watchForFile, watchForFile + "." + fileCount.to_s
  •    begin
  •      File.rename watchForFile, watchForFile + "." + fileCount.to_s
  •      fileCount += 1
  •     rescue
  •     end


Of course, I assume the program works when run standalone, from the

Access permissions of NTFS might be in the game as well. You may try
playing with runas /user:SYSTEM, too.
