I have a pre-existing installation of apache2.2/php/mysql on Windows
Server 2003. I just want to install rails to work with it. Does anyone
know of any decent information about how to do this?
It doesn't inspire confidence in Rails when I search the web for a way
to get RoR working with a pre-existing installation of Apache and all I
can find is a million people telling me to "go get InstantRails!"
Instant Rails is, apparently, for people who don't already have a server
and who just want to open a folder and be done with it... in other
words, it is for unserious developers with no established business in
web development. And apparently, these are the only people using Ruby.
As someone with no established business in web developent, I can say
firsthand that this makes me question why “serious” people aren’t using
Rails or asking questions about how to get it working with their php
servers… why aren’t they migrating?
Okay… thanks for any info!
Every one I know that’s doing this is running their installations on
some iteration of linux, which is why you’re probably not finding a
lot of Windows information.
Jesse P.
Blue Box Group, LLC
p. +1.800.613.4305 x801
e. [email protected]
I know this is Linux based, but it should help you. Same basic idea.
Setup up Apache to be your proxy to mongrel which runs your rails web
apps. I think you can install mongrel simply with “gem install
Hope this helps get you closer to where you need to go.
and of course gem install capistrano -y
I use rails on XP, Win2003 server, Ubuntu and Fedora.
Some things are naturally Linux based but there is lot, or sufficient,
information for windows deployment.
Those instructions work great, but if you read the OP, you will see that
needs help with Windows. While helpful, those instructions do not work
Windows deployments because mongrel_cluster doesn’t work.
starting port 3000
:95:in ``’: Exec format error - mongrel_rails start -d -e development -p
3000 -P
tmp/pids/mongrel.3000.pid -l log/mongrel.3000.log (Errno::ENOEXEC)
First install Ruby:
Then install Rails
gem install rails --include-dependencies
Then mongrel and mongrel_cluster
gem install mongrel -y
gem install mongrel_cluster -y
create a rails app:
rails appname
type ruby script/server
bam it’s running.
Now configure Apache server with mod_proxy
All this was available with the help of google.
If you need to know how to add gems, libraries, language syntax, etc -
there is a wealth of information out there, plus books.
On Sep 18, 8:43 am, Dave S. [email protected]
I wrote a chapter for “Deploying Rails Applications” that will help you
It should be included in the beta book any time now. I also presented on
this at RailsConf back in May. It’s surprisingly easier than you think
is. I actually published several articles on this but with the book
I can’t update those.
You can contact me directly if you need some help though. I’m always
to help out.