Windows commands and error handling

I am attempting to handle windows native command errors within a Ruby
script on
windows xp. Commands in backticks like net use ... do not allow for
this. I
tried open3, but it is unsupported on windows because of the lack of
system() does not do anything either. How do others handle this on
windows? I
only want to use the core Ruby library, not win32 utils.

windows command
rescue SomeException => e
do this to handle this exception…
rescue SomeOtherException =>
do this for the other exception…

Thank you,

On 11/8/06, Brad T. [email protected] wrote:

rescue SomeOtherException =>
do this for the other exception…

Use “system” if you want the exit code of the system command you are
running. Use backticks if you need the output from the command you

Does that help?