Within method (and other Webrat methods)

Another newbie question. I’m sort of confused as I often find
on the internet that don’t work.

Now I was looking for ways to click a link that can only be selected in
complex way using CSS selectors.

I found an example

within “#entry_2” do |scope|
scope.click_link “Delete”

The article suggests this done using Webrat but when I try to use it
the message is that ‘within’ does not exist. I am using Webrat right?
I have this in env.rb
require ‘webrat’
require ‘webrat/core/matchers’

Best Regards,

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Onno van der Straaten
[email protected] wrote:

scope.click_link “Delete”

The article suggests this done using Webrat but when I try to use it the
message is that ‘within’ does not exist. I am using Webrat right? I have
this in env.rb

Are you having this trouble with rspec or cucumber? If cucumber,
please post to http://groups.google.com/group/cukes. If rspec, env.rb
is not loaded by rspec, so that would need to go in a file that either
holds your spec or is required by a spec file.
