Won't save user

So I’m trying to create a facebooky kinda of site to learn rails. And so
i have a User class and a micropost class. Those are simple and I know
how that all works. The micropost points to its user and all that fun
stuff. But then i have a feed controller where i want to display ALL the
microposts and then I want to click on them to view them. I set up the
feed controller to view them and all that works. But then I also want
for any person to be able to “like” or “dislike” a micropost. The
micropost class has a like and a dislike variable in them. So I defined
a like and dislike action in the feed controller and set that all up.
The way its looks is kinda like this.

def like
@post = Micropost.find(params[:id])
@user = User.find(@post.user_id)
respond_to do |format|

The routes file looks like this

match “feed/:id/like” =>“feed#like”
match “feed/:id/dislike” =>“feed#dislike”

To me, this should all work correctly. And it did when I did the methods
in the console, so i’m not worried about that. The problem is that the
post will save, but the user will not. And i’m not sure why. Any


The routes file looks like this

match “feed/:id/like” =>“feed#like”
match “feed/:id/dislike” =>“feed#dislike”

To me, this should all work correctly. And it did when I did the methods
in the console, so i’m not worried about that. The problem is that the
post will save, but the user will not. And i’m not sure why. Any

We’d need to see the increaseVariable and like_action methods to know
for sure. Until then, change those save() calls to save!() calls and
see what error gets thrown…

Couple of other things you may want to consider…

@post = Micropost.find(params[:id])
@user = User.find(@post.user_id)

could be re-written as:

@post = Micropost.find(params[:id])
@user = @post.user

Also, the following two lines don’t make much sense to me…


Why would you call a method on an object and pass the object itself into
the method? You already have access to the object as ‘self’ within the
method… ???

And lastly, if you’re updating an integer field in the Micropost table,
don’t set it and save it, but look at using increment_counter. Do NOT
use incremement (it sets and saves). increment_counter will write an
‘UPDATE …’ SQL clause that update the value in the database by one

Good luck!


Hm, i totally forgot about the self. I’m still trying to learn ruby and
everything. So the increaseVariable method looks like this. I just
edited it so it could use self and so i could scale how much wanted to
increase the variable.

def increaseVariable(scale)
tempoints = 1 * scale
self.variable += tempoints
logger.debug “User variable is now #{user.variable}”

so now this is what my controller looks like

def like
@post = Micropost.find(params[:id])
@user = @post.user
respond_to do |format|

So when i run it, it says that there is an undefined method for
“variable” but its up in the attr_accessible. What else could be wrong?

On Nov 6, 2010, at 11:42 AM, Mark L. wrote:


So when i run it, it says that there is an undefined method for
“variable” but its up in the attr_accessible. What else could be wrong?

Does your users table have a ‘variable’ field? Once it’s in there you
don’t need to have attr_accessible at all.

Also, you’re going to have a problem if variable is nil as “nil += 5”
will throw an error. So you need to either default it to zero in the
database or look out for that in your model methods.


Yeah, the table includes everything needed.

def self.up
create_table :users do |t|
t.string :name
t.string :email
t.integer :variable

And the variable isn’t nil. I default it to 0 when i create the user.
I’m still confused as to why this isn’t working…
Everything goes like it should but the user just will not save itself
and update the variable. Can I use the update_attributes?

On Nov 6, 7:21pm, Mark L. [email protected] wrote:

And the variable isn’t nil. I default it to 0 when i create the user.
I’m still confused as to why this isn’t working…
Everything goes like it should but the user just will not save itself
and update the variable. Can I use the update_attributes?

It doesn’t sound like it’s the saving part that is the problem, it’s
how you’re manipulating the object before hand. What is on the line
that throws the exception?
Your controller looks a bit weird too - @post.user_ids should return
an array of integers (assuming post has_many users), so trying to call
on that methods you’ve presumably defined on User doesn’t make any


yeah, the @post.user_ids actually is a typo. i tried editing it but it
looks like that didn’t work… it really is just @post.user_id which is
the user id that the post belongs to. I was using the debugger before i
was saving the @user, and the @user.variable was different. but when i
saved it nothing would save. The reason i’m confused is that the post
will updates its likes but the user won’t updates its variable.

On Nov 6, 10:31pm, Mark L. [email protected] wrote:

yeah, the @post.user_ids actually is a typo. i tried editing it but it
looks like that didn’t work… it really is just @post.user_id which is
the user id that the post belongs to. I was using the debugger before i
was saving the @user, and the @user.variable was different. but when i
saved it nothing would save. The reason i’m confused is that the post
will updates its likes but the user won’t updates its variable.

@post.user_id wouldn’t work either - that’s just an integer and won’t
have all the attributes your models have. It’s also really helpful if
the code posted here is actually what’s in your app, if there are
typos here that aren’t in your app (and vice versa) it can be nearly
impossible to work out what is going on.


def increaseVariable(scale)
tempoints = 1 * scale
self.variable += tempoints
logger.debug “User variable is now #{user.variable}”
So when i run it, it says that there is an undefined method for
“variable” but its up in the attr_accessible. What else could be wrong?

You’ll get undefined method variable for nil because user.variable
should be self.variable instead. There’s no user in increaseVariable
