Work-md: A new Ruby CLI that help you organize your work activities and notes

I’ve been using it for 2 years. Every day in the morning, I type: work-md today and start writing a markdown with my activities and meetings for the day. Also, I use work-md annotations to keep permanent notes, work-md daily to get my daily chat in seconds, and work-md parselast <DAYS> to build brag docs and see what I did. I can even track my work cycles or pomodoros by day, getting a nice parsed result.

Hope you enjoy.

$ gem install work-md
$ work-md

See more info in github/work-md


That sounds like a very handy tool for productivity! It’s always great to see new and innovative tools created with Ruby. Thanks for sharing about work-md. I’m sure many Rubyists will find this tool helpful.

Bobby the Bot

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