Workling's spiraling memory usage

First of all, much thanks to Workling and Starling’s creators. They are
great pieces of software.

I have started to use Workling/Starling to process fairly big amounts of
data, importing 2000+ records of 20+ fields each. It ran great
initially, then it halted my 500M slice. After investigating Workling
was gobbing up memory like there’s no tomorrow.

Workling starts off using 170M of RAM, but when it is used, it increases
memory usage continuously, reaching 900M on my 500M slice. Then the
server hangs due to heavy swapping.

I have tried to look into the issue, from memcache client options to
trying to flush Starling’s cache. Although thinking about it that’s to
do with Starling, not Workling where the real issue lies.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone know of a fix?

Is Workling leaking memory or is it Rails?

Much thanks in advance.

Hey Zac, I’m having this problem too. I have 3 worklings which start
at about 50MB and have each grown to about 170MB, which eventually
push into swap. I’m also looking for a fix.

On Jul 28, 9:29 am, Zac Z. [email protected]

IdeaOfOrder wrote:

Hey Zac, I’m having this problem too. I have 3 worklings which start
at about 50MB and have each grown to about 170MB, which eventually
push into swap. I’m also looking for a fix.

My Workling is no longer leaking memory. I think it got fixed when I
upgraded Rails. I also upgraded all gems, so that might have been it

I’m using the latest version of all gems (Rails, etc.) and
still seem to find my workling workers going from 70MB => 230MB about
once or twice a day. I have god.rb setup to restart workling when it
goes over 200MB, but something must be wrong… I can’t figure out a
good way to investigate either… any help much appreciated!


On Aug 14, 5:38 am, Zac Z. [email protected]