wxAuiTabCtrl is not supported

When calling AuiNotebook#children, I got an error:
Error wrapping object: class wxAuiTabCtrl is not supported in wxRuby

It’s exactly the object I want to set_tool_tip on.
I don’t know how to use swig, I tried the following:

// AuiTabCtrl.i
%include “…/common.i”
%module(directors=“1”) wxAuiTabCtrl
%import “include/wxControl.h”
%import “include/wxEvtHandler.h”
%import “include/wxWindow.h”
%import “include/wxObject.h”
%import “include/wxAuiNotebook.h”
%include “include/wxAuiTabCtrl.h”

// include/wxAuiTabCtrl.h
#ifndef wxAuiTabCtrl_h
#define wxAuiTabCtrl_h
class wxAuiTabCtrl : public wxControl {};

// and added this line in parents.rb
‘wxAuiTabCtrl’ => ‘wxControl’,

But the generated class just doesn’t compile. Any hint?


Sorry for the delay

On 08/03/2010 14:35, Lui K. wrote:

When calling AuiNotebook#children, I got an error:
Error wrapping object: class wxAuiTabCtrl is not supported in wxRuby

It’s exactly the object I want to set_tool_tip on.
I don’t know how to use swig, I tried the following:

We’d be pleased to add this class in a future version

// include/wxAuiTabCtrl.h
#ifndef wxAuiTabCtrl_h
#define wxAuiTabCtrl_h
class wxAuiTabCtrl : public wxControl {};

Here you probably need at least the constructor definition and public


 wxAuiTabCtrl(wxWindow* parent,
              wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
              const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
              const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
              long style = 0);


#if wxABI_VERSION >= 20805
bool IsDragging() const { return m_is_dragging; }

Have a look at one of the other working classes - currently SWIG relies
on having the constructor and method declarations here to wrap them.
