Thanks to my bas from softwarelab.eu (little advert)
I’m starting to release code that i wrote so far
for now there’s little - or no- documentation but i’ll be working on it
back to the topic:
xml-map is easy to use XML to ruby object library with rails-like
validators and more ^^, it uses vary fast libxml instead of slow and old
REXML, you need version 0.4 of libxml to work properly
you can grab it from svn from xml-map.rubyforge.org
What is done:
- Import valid XML
- autogenerate models
- some validators
what i’m working on:
- all validators from XmlSchema
- autogenerating models with validators from xsd
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘xml/libxml’
require ‘…/lib/xml_models’
require ‘pp’
cat sample/sample.rb
tfile = ARGV.shift || “test.xml”
auogenerate required models
xm=XmlMapper.new({:generate=>true, :file=> $stdout})
#load xml file
doc = XML::Document.file(tfile)
root_node = doc.root
parase xml and create model instances
rn = xm.parse_xml(root_node)
pp rn
<?xml version="1.0"?> raz dwa trzy ============================================ ruby sample.rb class RootNode < XmlNode endcat sample/test.xml
class SimpleNode < XmlNode
class ComplicatedNode < XmlNode
#===== class generation ends here, you can copy above classes add
attr_accessors for desired attributes
[#<SimpleNode:0xb780fc20 @content=[“raz”], @node_name=“simple”>,
[#<SimpleNode:0xb780eac8 @content=[“dwa”], @node_name=“simple”>,
#<SimpleNode:0xb780e640 @content=[“trzy”], @node_name=“simple”>],
soon i’m going to provide more documentation and more compleate support
xsd and validators, if anyone is interested in helping in this easy but
consuming work, please let me know ^^
Marcin R.
Friends teach what you should know
Enemies Teach what you have to know