

Thanks to my bas from softwarelab.eu (little advert)
I’m starting to release code that i wrote so far :slight_smile:
for now there’s little - or no- documentation but i’ll be working on it

back to the topic:

xml-map is easy to use XML to ruby object library with rails-like
validators and more ^^, it uses vary fast libxml instead of slow and old
REXML, you need version 0.4 of libxml to work properly

you can grab it from svn from xml-map.rubyforge.org

What is done:

  • Import valid XML
  • autogenerate models
  • some validators

what i’m working on:

  • all validators from XmlSchema
  • autogenerating models with validators from xsd

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘xml/libxml’

require ‘…/lib/xml_models’

require ‘pp’


cat sample/sample.rb

tfile = ARGV.shift || “test.xml”

auogenerate required models

xm=XmlMapper.new({:generate=>true, :file=> $stdout})

#load xml file
doc = XML::Document.file(tfile)
root_node = doc.root

parase xml and create model instances

rn = xm.parse_xml(root_node)

pp rn




cat sample/test.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?> raz dwa trzy ============================================ ruby sample.rb class RootNode < XmlNode end

class SimpleNode < XmlNode

class ComplicatedNode < XmlNode

#===== class generation ends here, you can copy above classes add
attr_accessors for desired attributes

[#<SimpleNode:0xb780fc20 @content=[“raz”], @node_name=“simple”>,
[#<SimpleNode:0xb780eac8 @content=[“dwa”], @node_name=“simple”>,
#<SimpleNode:0xb780e640 @content=[“trzy”], @node_name=“simple”>],


soon i’m going to provide more documentation and more compleate support
xsd and validators, if anyone is interested in helping in this easy but
consuming work, please let me know ^^

Marcin R.

Friends teach what you should know
Enemies Teach what you have to know

two more things:

  • this module was tested on nearly 20mb XML file and worked fine, it
    syncing between database and xml piece of cake (i’m going to relase code
    made comparing between AR models and XmlModels so easy)

  • it was NOT tested on strange xmls - so PLEASE send me everything you
    strange xml’s with CDATA, strange characters encodings etc if it’s not
    parased properly by this library

Hi Marcin,

Marcin R. wrote:

it made syncing between database and xml piece of cake (i’m going to relase code that
made comparing between AR models and XmlModels so easy)

I am looking forward to this. I had just been looking at doing a project
which could use AR <-> xml.

Thanks for releasing!



Where can one get xml-map from?



On 7/13/07, Marcin R. [email protected] wrote:

REXML, you need version 0.4 of libxml to work properly

  • autogenerating models with validators from xsd

    class SimpleNode < XmlNode
    [#<SimpleNode:0xb780fc20 @content=[“raz”], @node_name=“simple”>,

Ed Howland

“The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity
to which it is addressed and may contain proprietary, confidential
and/or legally privileged material. Any review, retransmission,
dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance
upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended
recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact
the sender and delete the material from all computers.”

On 8/13/07, Ed Howland [email protected] wrote:


Where can one get xml-map from?

You quoted it in your reply.