XSLT and autoindex XML output: conditionally transform XML only when it's autoindex output?


The documentation said it’s possible to transform XML dirlistings into
XHTML in order to customize what they look like, so I did one that makes
them look like lighttpd’s:

This works fine, but does anybody know how I apply the XSLT only
to transform directory indexes but not other XML files that might be
around? Currently, the way this config works is that all XML files are
being transformed by this stylesheet.

The config looks like this:

Thanks and best regards,


to transform directory indexes but not other XML files that might be
around? Currently, the way this config works is that all XML files are
being transformed by this stylesheet.

The config looks like this:
make nginx dirlistings look like lighttpd's through the magic of xslt-transforming xml dirlistings. I don't even. · GitHub

Cannot check with xslt right now, but autoindex should works with this

    root /opt/www;

    location / {
        try_files $uri @autoindex;

    location @autoindex {
        autoindex on;

Try to add xslt and xml directives in @autoindex location.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 23:22:54 +0300, Sergey B. wrote:

This works fine, but does anybody know how I apply the XSLT only
root /opt/www;

    location / {
        try_files $uri @autoindex;

    location @autoindex {
        autoindex on;

Try to add xslt and xml directives in @autoindex location.

Thanks, that seems to have done the trick. I’ve updated the gist to
reflect my current working config, for anyone who’s curious.

Best regards,



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