I have used the YouTube api to extracta set amount of video’s, is anyone
aware of how I can show these in a player on my ruby on rails site?
are there any plugins that may help?
I have used the YouTube api to extracta set amount of video’s, is anyone
aware of how I can show these in a player on my ruby on rails site?
are there any plugins that may help?
awesome post…but is there a way to just embed a particular youtube
video with an id? i see only options for feature, user, get by tag, and
friends of user.
thanks job for sharing!
jon wrote:
koloa wrote:
awesome post…but is there a way to just embed a particular youtube
video with an id? i see only options for feature, user, get by tag, and
friends of user.yeah, I discovered it can be done easily by using this code below
koloa wrote:
awesome post…but is there a way to just embed a particular youtube
video with an id? i see only options for feature, user, get by tag, and
friends of user.
yeah, I discovered it can be done easily by using this code below
koloa wrote:
awesome post…but is there a way to just embed a particular youtube
video with an id? i see only options for feature, user, get by tag,
and friends of user.
Sure. You can either use video_details(video_id) to find all the
details for the video (and also make it dead simple to display, or just
use the code from
#embed_html – all it does is wrap the id in html, like this:
where width and height are passed to the embed_html method
and where embed_url is generated from the video’s page on YouTube by
@embed_url = @url.delete(‘?’).sub(‘=’, ‘/’)
So, you don’t actually need to even use the gem if you know the id, and
could generate the embedded video yourself using something like
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